Lu's 6 month well visit was today and we got good news and bad news!

Good news first: she's growing like a weed, and has finally made it out of the "Low" (meaning, off the bottom of the charts) percentile for length! She's now longer than 17% of her baby peers. Boo-ya! While we'd love her more than anything in the world no matter how big or small she is, it's good to know that her milk-monster-ness is paying off.

...and that brings us to the bad news. You may have noticed that Lu's seemed a bit pale in recent photos. Apparently her rapid growth (combined with her tiny start) depleted her iron stores early and she's a bit anemic. Well, more than a little bit. We're now on a mission to pump her [iron] up through continuing to breastfeed, supplements, fortified cereals, and high-iron foods like sweet potatoes and butternut squash (and meat in a month or so). We head back in 6 weeks for a retest, and hopefully she'll be back up to code by then.