Thanksgiving at Uncle George's |
We celebrated Turkey Day at my uncle George's house this year with friends and family. It really is my very favorite holiday. Lu gave the mashed potatoes and green beans two thumbs up, but was not a fan of the turkey, the brisket, the squash dressing, or anything else... until we got to dessert! Her sweet tooth is not indulged very often, which is probably a good thing. She was a major cookie monster!
Lu's a mover and a shaker these days. She's walking everywhere and getting into everything, and her favorite place to be at almost all times is outside. She's begun to test limits and throw mini tantrums when she doesn't get her way (recently - having to come inside, not drawing on the walls, not getting to go outside). So far, the tantrums are brief and she's easy to redirect, but if this gets worse I am NOT looking forward to the terrible twos.
Please can I go outside?? |
She's also adding words and signs to her repertoire faster than we can keep up! Her sign vocabulary - more, please, sleep, hungry, bird, water, nurse, again, diaper.. and words? Well, I'll have to start making a list. There are many many.
One last note - we went to the doc for her 15-month checkup and she's still quite petite (3-10th% for height and weight) but in great health and hitting her milestones in stride. We have much to be thankful for indeed.
After her morning smoothie |
More photos coming soon as soon as I have time to download from my camera - including the next yellow chair pic!