Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving at Uncle George's
We celebrated Turkey Day at my uncle George's house this year with friends and family.  It really is my very favorite holiday.  Lu gave the mashed potatoes and green beans two thumbs up, but was not a fan of the turkey, the brisket, the squash dressing, or anything else...  until we got to dessert!  Her sweet tooth is not indulged very often, which is probably a good thing. She was a major cookie monster!

Lu's a mover and a shaker these days.  She's walking everywhere and getting into everything, and her favorite place to be at almost all times is outside.  She's begun to test limits and throw mini tantrums when she doesn't get her way (recently - having to come inside, not drawing on the walls, not getting to go outside).  So far, the tantrums are brief and she's easy to redirect, but if this gets worse I am NOT looking forward to the terrible twos.

Please can I go outside??
She's also adding words and signs to her repertoire faster than we can keep up!  Her sign vocabulary - more, please, sleep, hungry, bird, water, nurse, again, diaper..  and words?  Well, I'll have to start making a list.  There are many many.

One last note - we went to the doc for her 15-month checkup and she's still quite petite (3-10th% for height and weight) but in great health and hitting her milestones in stride.  We have much to be thankful for indeed.

After her morning smoothie
More photos coming soon as soon as I have time to download from my camera - including the next yellow chair pic!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Boo! ...and please stay on the trails, sir!

Lu was a Park Ranger for Halloween!  Not to be outdone (although he was - he really had no chance), Allen was a moose! As a park visitor, I rounded up our trio.  I know, either I love my work tremendously or it's removed all of my ability to think creatively and come up with other costume ideas!!  I hope it's the former, but suspect it might be a little of both!  We'll see next year.  The good news is that I've got 12 months to plan.

Now - don't be totally distracted by the cuteness of the Halloween costume.  There is something else I want to tell you.  So be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for the most exciting news of all...

Lu's walking!  It's been in the works for several weeks now, as she's been cruising for a while and took her first few steps shortly after her 13-month birthday.  But it's now official.  She's motoring.  We're doomed.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Beach Trip and My Favorite Lu Picture Yet

We took a quick weekend trip Port Aransas a few weeks ago, and it was good for all our souls.  Lu wasn't sure how she felt about the sand at first, but once we demonstrated how to use a shovel she decided that beaches are A-W-E-S-O-M-E.  Same thing with the waves - they were on her maybe list until we started jumping over the crests.  Then, F-U-N.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Luella's Week

As most of you know, Allen takes care of Luella most weekdays, and he's great about sending me phone pics of their adventures. I thought I'd share some of them with you.

Monday mornings Allen and Lu head to the Austin Children's Museum.  It's a super fun space (so I hear) full of  interactive exhibits.  And on Mondays from 9-noon, it is open only for the 3-and-under crowd!  Storytelling, singing, and adventures...

Monday afternoons our nanny/babysitter Christine and her daughter Hazel come over.  Lu and Hazel are totally besties.

Tuesday morning Allen and Lu head to Little Gym to play on balance beams and parallel bars.  Oh, and to catch bubbles.  That's really the highlight.  (This pics is not from his phone, but from the time I played hooky to join them!)

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are much less structured but include another visit from C & H, and usually heading out to visit friends.  Or making new friends.

Or climbing on the Greenbelt.

Or giving pat-pats to the neighbor's cat.

And then sometimes they just dress up like pirates and play at home.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Glacier NP

Mid-September meetings at Glacier National Park.  I couldn't bear to leave Lu for the second week in a row, and so my Mom and Dad came along.  The weather was a bit chilly (we were there the week before everything shut down for the winter) but Lu had an amazing time playing in the main room at Lake McDonald Lodge, going on hikes, and checking out the totem pole.  I think my Mom and Dad might have had a decent time as well.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

One Year

Luella-Lu-Lulu-Bitty-Baby Bug,

A few weeks ago you turned one year old.  While you were quite fussy on your actual birthday (teething? dislike of party dresses?  who knows) you have made this already very special year a total delight.

 So very very much has happened - you've been so many places (from the Pacific to the Atlantic and many stops in between) and met so many people, and been unbelievably happy through most of it.  Like, super happy - so much so that it's often the first thing that people comment on when they meet you.  Well, that or your beautiful blue eyes.  You got those from your Daddy, and probably your extroverted personality as well.  You're very silly, and so curious about other people - especially babies and kids. In fact, your favorite toys these days are your baby dolls, which was kind of a surprise to me (come on, what about the cool sock-topus?) but it's awesome to watch your imagination at work when you play.

We've been back in Texas for just over a month now, and you're digging the new house and the big yard.  Most importantly, you're now sleeping in your own bed in your own room!  This, my love, is progress, even if your dad or I have to come and snuggle you in the wee hours of the morning most nights.  I'm not complaining - you're a great snuggler, and I know that I'll be sad when one day you don't need that comfort anymore.

You're also talking up a storm now - you've been saying Mama and Buddy and Baby for a while, but you've recently added Dada, something that sounds sort of like Ranger, and Turtle!  (yes, Turtle!)

You have revolutionized our lives, really and truly.  You are amazing, and already the most incredible person I've ever met.  Happy Birthday.


Friday, August 6, 2010

New Masthead

A note about the beautiful pic in the masthead - this was taken by Bax, my so-artistic-but-doesn't-even-know it brother.  More pics from this fun evening and more on flickr.


Without further ado, here's the pic you've all been waiting for...  Happy belated 11-month birthday, Lu!

You can find her nine month photo here, seven month photo here, five month photo here, her three month photo here, and her one month photo here.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am very very happy with the house renovations.  Most of all I love the new kitchen, complete with a fancy new dryer.  Cute baby not included, in case you're thinking about ordering your own.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Swim, First Boat Ride

Another stop on the way to Austin was our favorite little lake in the whole wide world, Club Lake.  As we suspected, Lu is a full fledged water baby! She also loved helping Poppa steer the boat.

Monday, August 2, 2010

4 Generations

So much to tell you about Austin - we're so happy to be back home!  AND I know I need to get Lu's 11-month yellow chair pic uploaded.  However, you'll have to wait for another post.

On our way down to Austin, we stopped off in Dallas to see family, including my grandmother, Nancyma.  She has followed Lu's progress closely, as she was also 4 lbs, 9 oz when she was born!  Looks like Lu is following in her tiny footsteps.  This pic of Nancyma, Mom, Lu and myself is very special to me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


We've made it to Austin, and we're still in the process of unpacking, but I thought I'd take the time to post a quick photo update.  The last few weeks in Knoxville were full of fun (and a few sad goodbyes) - the most exciting thing was that Lu started crawling the week before we left!

Lu is much more interested in moving than anything else these days.

We went swinging for the first time and she LOVED it.  

We played in the sprinkler at Noah's house.
We ate and drank at some of our favorite restaurants.

And visited our beloved Market Square farmer's market one last time.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Placeholder, for now

We're in Texas, on our way to Austin, and I have so many things to post about once we settle in.  Lu started crawling last week, she's saying Baby, Mama, and Buddy (well, Buh Buh)...  She's pointing and clapping and "putting it in the bucket."  She's trying to be a big kid and take just one nap a day...  and of course, she's finally a Texas resident!! 

More posts and pics coming soon, I promise.  And maybe even a video if I can get my act together.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

World Cup Fever

Even though the US has been knocked out, World Cup fever is still alive and well at Casa de McFincher.  I'm not sure if all of the soccer games she's been exposed to over the past three weeks will contribute to Lu's love of the game or a pavlovian response when she hears "Goooooaaalll!"

This pic was taken during the last minutes of the US-Ghana game on Saturday.  As you might expect, Lu was having a much better time than Allen by this point.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

22 Flights!

Just wanted to note for posterity's sake that Allen and I calculated the total number of flights that Lu's been on in her 10 months...  the flight on Thursday from DC to Knoxville brought the total to 22!  Wowsers.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home

After 10 days of travel to Maine, DC, and back, we are TIRED!  Lu and Allen crashed out for a long afternoon nap today.  We're glad to be back home, but are gearing up for the next adventure - the move back to Austin!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summering in Maine

I had work meetings in Acadia National Park last week, and naturally, I brought my entourage.  We had a blast playing on the rocks, taking evening strolls along the coast, hiking, and biking.  On Saturday, Allen met up with his former climbing partner, who lives in Portland these days, for a bit o' Down East trad climbing.  
We rented bikes and went on an awesome bike ride on Sunday morning - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! - with an old friend from grad school who we randomly ran into in Bar Harbor.  Lu really enjoyed her spacious trailer, and was particularly fond of going downhill very fast! 

One last note - as is apparently her habit, Lu's next pair of teeth finally made their way out into the world (of her mouth, at least) while we were in Maine!  I'm trying to get a pic of all four chompers, but haven't been able to swing it yet. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Post-nap wiggles

Lu's not crawling yet, but she's rolling like a log and scooting around and backwards to wherever she wants to go.  This video captures her wiggles post-nap as well as a bit of a tour of the house we're about to leave:

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Lu LOVES to look at the world upside-down.  She is constantly arching her back, craning her neck, or otherwise contorting her body to change her view of any room.  I'm not exactly sure what this says about what kind of person she'll be, but I suspect she'll be pretty interesting.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This one's for you, Victor...

So Allen built this thing in one of our doorways that is meant to help his fingers get stronger so he can climb harder routes.  I think Lu's going to sprint right by her old man once her strength to weight ratio is a bit more balanced.