A few weeks ago you turned one year old. While you were quite fussy on your actual birthday (teething? dislike of party dresses? who knows) you have made this already very special year a total delight.
So very very much has happened - you've been so many places (from the Pacific to the Atlantic and many stops in between) and met so many people, and been unbelievably happy through most of it. Like, super happy - so much so that it's often the first thing that people comment on when they meet you. Well, that or your beautiful blue eyes. You got those from your Daddy, and probably your extroverted personality as well. You're very silly, and so curious about other people - especially babies and kids. In fact, your favorite toys these days are your baby dolls, which was kind of a surprise to me (come on, what about the cool sock-topus?) but it's awesome to watch your imagination at work when you play.
You're also talking up a storm now - you've been saying Mama and Buddy and Baby for a while, but you've recently added Dada, something that sounds sort of like Ranger, and Turtle! (yes, Turtle!)
You have revolutionized our lives, really and truly. You are amazing, and already the most incredible person I've ever met. Happy Birthday.
So sweet! You brought a tear to me eye! Love you all! Ju-Ju