Thursday, July 22, 2010


We've made it to Austin, and we're still in the process of unpacking, but I thought I'd take the time to post a quick photo update.  The last few weeks in Knoxville were full of fun (and a few sad goodbyes) - the most exciting thing was that Lu started crawling the week before we left!

Lu is much more interested in moving than anything else these days.

We went swinging for the first time and she LOVED it.  

We played in the sprinkler at Noah's house.
We ate and drank at some of our favorite restaurants.

And visited our beloved Market Square farmer's market one last time.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Placeholder, for now

We're in Texas, on our way to Austin, and I have so many things to post about once we settle in.  Lu started crawling last week, she's saying Baby, Mama, and Buddy (well, Buh Buh)...  She's pointing and clapping and "putting it in the bucket."  She's trying to be a big kid and take just one nap a day...  and of course, she's finally a Texas resident!! 

More posts and pics coming soon, I promise.  And maybe even a video if I can get my act together.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

World Cup Fever

Even though the US has been knocked out, World Cup fever is still alive and well at Casa de McFincher.  I'm not sure if all of the soccer games she's been exposed to over the past three weeks will contribute to Lu's love of the game or a pavlovian response when she hears "Goooooaaalll!"

This pic was taken during the last minutes of the US-Ghana game on Saturday.  As you might expect, Lu was having a much better time than Allen by this point.