Saturday, June 26, 2010

22 Flights!

Just wanted to note for posterity's sake that Allen and I calculated the total number of flights that Lu's been on in her 10 months...  the flight on Thursday from DC to Knoxville brought the total to 22!  Wowsers.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home

After 10 days of travel to Maine, DC, and back, we are TIRED!  Lu and Allen crashed out for a long afternoon nap today.  We're glad to be back home, but are gearing up for the next adventure - the move back to Austin!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summering in Maine

I had work meetings in Acadia National Park last week, and naturally, I brought my entourage.  We had a blast playing on the rocks, taking evening strolls along the coast, hiking, and biking.  On Saturday, Allen met up with his former climbing partner, who lives in Portland these days, for a bit o' Down East trad climbing.  
We rented bikes and went on an awesome bike ride on Sunday morning - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! - with an old friend from grad school who we randomly ran into in Bar Harbor.  Lu really enjoyed her spacious trailer, and was particularly fond of going downhill very fast! 

One last note - as is apparently her habit, Lu's next pair of teeth finally made their way out into the world (of her mouth, at least) while we were in Maine!  I'm trying to get a pic of all four chompers, but haven't been able to swing it yet. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Post-nap wiggles

Lu's not crawling yet, but she's rolling like a log and scooting around and backwards to wherever she wants to go.  This video captures her wiggles post-nap as well as a bit of a tour of the house we're about to leave:

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Lu LOVES to look at the world upside-down.  She is constantly arching her back, craning her neck, or otherwise contorting her body to change her view of any room.  I'm not exactly sure what this says about what kind of person she'll be, but I suspect she'll be pretty interesting.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This one's for you, Victor...

So Allen built this thing in one of our doorways that is meant to help his fingers get stronger so he can climb harder routes.  I think Lu's going to sprint right by her old man once her strength to weight ratio is a bit more balanced.   

Saturday, June 5, 2010


As is evidenced by the fact that I'm just getting around to updating the blog, the end of May and beginning of June were C-R-A-Z-Y times at Casa de McFincher.  I had to take my first week-long sans-Lu trip in May in order to attend a work retreat at Yellowstone NP.  It was so very hard to be away, but the bison, grizzly bear, wolves, and more all helped me feel a bit better.  (Pics from my trip here.)  While it wasn't easy for Lu and Allen, my mom came up and helped, which made things much much more bearable.  This pic was taken the day after I returned.

Then, just a week after I got back, Allen had to head to Austin to attend the tryouts for the soccer club where he'll be coaching again when we return in July.  His mom was already up in Knoxville for the Destination Imagination global finals, and she stayed for an additional week to watch Lu while I was at work and help in general! 

Lu had a wonderful time playing with both grandmothers.  We are so very very lucky that we have such wonderful families.  I'm so glad that we are able to spend time with them now, and am looking forward to more visits when we're back in Texas.